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USP Class VI Adhesives
USP Class VI Approved Adhesives for Medical Device Applications
Master Bond’s biocompatible adhesives are designed to meet the needs of medical device manufacturers. Compounds withstand various types of sterilization methods.

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Metric English
( This graph is merely a visual representation of the tabular data. It is not meant to predict any property behavior between data points.
Sample and/or test conditions are not necessarily identical for every data point; please note any comments beside any data points for details. )

Graph data in tabular format:
Compressive Yield StrengthMetricEnglishComments
 25.0 MPa
@Strain 1.00 %
3630 psi
@Strain 1.00 %
ISO 604 (10)
 49.0 MPa
@Strain 2.00 %
7110 psi
@Strain 2.00 %
ISO 604 (10)
 101 MPa
@Strain 5.00 %
14600 psi
@Strain 5.00 %
ISO 604 (10)

USP Class VI adhesives