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Tell these suppliers that you saw their materials in MatWeb!

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Instructions: Above is an alphabetical list of the engineering materials trade names that are included in the MatWeb database. We include plastics compounders and fabricators of some semi-finished products such as sheet, rod, tube, and powders when the producer supplies us with unique technical data on their products. Simply make your selection from inside the boxes below and click on the appropriate 'Find' button. You can then follow the links to the complete technical data on MatWeb's extensive list of plastics, metals, ceramics, and other raw materials.

If you are a manufacturer of engineering materials and would like to see your company's data included in MatWeb's database, click here for details.

This page lists every trade name that is included in the MatWeb database. You can also use our Category Search page to search by material type such as polyimide or acrylic or use our Manufacturer Name index to view the entire product line from the manufacturers and compounders that have partnered with MatWeb.

MatWeb has a way to drill down to all materials by trade name: 1 to A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Registered users who are logged in omit one step in this drill down process.
