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Lubricant Property Search - Oils and Greases

Choose a Material Category (Optional)
The list contains all current categories of lubricant base oils and gellants in the database.
All Lubricants

Submit the Query (Required)
Click on the 'Find' button below to submit the query.

Select up to 3 properties
Set the range by entering the minimum and/or maximum values for each selected property.
Min: Max: Unit:

Min: Max: Unit:

Min: Max: Unit:


This page allows you to search Lubricants. MatWeb has more general property-based searches (Not restricted to lubricants).

This page was created to facilitate specialized searches for MatWeb's growing collection of industrial lubricants. The properties in the drop down boxes are important for the specification of lubricants, but are often unimportant for the structural materials that MatWeb tracks. Over 2500 lubricant grades are available from this page - with base oils including polyalphaolefin (PAO), silicone, perfluoropolyether (PFPE), white mineral oil (WMO), and more. You may also search from gellant types such as organic soap, silica, or polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE). This page is set up for fluid lubricants (oils and greases); other search tools must be used for solid lubricants such as graphite.

Instructions: Optionally choose a material search category such as a general category like 'Metal' or a child category like 'Aluminum Alloy' from the category tree. Click on the [+] symbol to open branches on the tree. Next, select a material property from the drop-down list and enter the Unit of Measure. For the range, enter a minimum or a maximum value or both. Select up to two more material properties and set the ranges. Choose whether you want the resulting materials to match at least one or all of the material properties. Then click the 'Find' button. Click a material from the results list to see the full datasheet or add the data sheets to your folder for comparison or export. More Detailed Property Search Instructions and Examples
